Overview: Touted as the world’s most beautiful road, Sichuan-Tibet Highway (via G318 National Highway) enjoys much praise and abuse for its winding roads along grotesque gores and rugged peaks. The epic road trip covers 2250km in around 8 days. You will
Arrival in Chengdu
Stay overnight in 3-star hotels in downtown Chengdu
Chengdu—Ya’an—Luding—Kangding—Xinduqiao Bridge
At7am, we are expected to take tour vehicle from
Stayovernight in Xinduqiao
Xinduqiao—Yajiang—Litang(Ke’er Temple)—Haizishan Mountain—Batang
On the way, we will pass famous Yajiang and finally reach Litang, a city on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau with an altitude of 4000m. Litang is a natural grassland on the plateau. Grazing yaks, sheep and nomad’s tents dotted across the massive pasture are the most common scene.
Besides, another star attraction in Litang is Ke’er monastery, a prestigious Gelugpa Monastery on this lively pasture. Then after visiting Litang, the whole team travel through Haizishan Mountain (4700m) and venture into menacing valley regions and at night we should make it to Batang County.
Stay overnight in Batang
Batang—Jinsha River (upper reaches of Yangtze River)—Markam—Lawu Mountain—Dongda Mountain—Zogong
Then, we keep travelling westward and pass Lawu Mountain (4358m) and Dongda Mountain (5008m). Standing atop of lofty mountain passes, covered with snow, you can enjoy the spectacular vista of zigzag Sichuan-Tibet highway and incredible Lancang River crawling through mountainous ranges. At night, the whole team will reach the city of Zogong.
Stay overnight in Zogong
Zogong—Bangda Grassland-- Yela mountain (Nu River Mountain)—Seventy-two Bends—Baxoi-- Rakwa Tso
Further moving westward, we begin to be surrounded by soaring snow mountains, pristine forest and idyllic Tibetan villages. At night, we will arrive at Rakwa Tso.
Stay overnight in guesthouse beside Rakwa Tso
Rakwa Tso—Midui Glacier-- Parlung Tsangpo—Bomi
As we continue our journey from Rakwa Tso, our team will follow the scenic road amid dense forest and turbulent Parlung Tsangpo till today’s final destination Bomi. On the way, tourists can tour spectacular Midui Glacier, widely believed to be the most beautiful glacier in China.
Stay overnight in Bomi
Bomi—Tongmai—Lulang Forest—Sejila Mountain (Mt. Namcha Barwa) --Nyingchi
At the viewing platform of Lulang, you will be enjoying the panorama of Mt. Namcha Barwa(7782m), one of the most amazing mountains in China. We will make a brief stop at Sejila Mountain Pass (4728m). After passing Seijila Mountain Pass, the tour group will keep moving westward and arrive in Nyingchi, the biggest city in eastern Tibet.
Stay overnight in Nyingchi
Stay overnight in Lhasa.
Lhasa Tour - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
Then after lunch, tourists head to Jokhang Temple which was founded by the 33rd great king of Tibet in the 7th century. Inside you can see the statue of Buddha Sakyamuni at the age of twelve. Outside, you can see pilgrims making prostrating in front of Jokhang Temple. Around the temple is Barkhor street, where you can do kora (a religious circle of a building or mountain) with pilgrims and locals, and explore the old market.
Stay overnight in Lhasa
Lhasa Tour - Drepung monastery, Sera monastery
In the Afternoon, Tourists will visit Sera Monastery which is another one of the “great three” Gelug monasteries of Tibet. The hot attraction is the Monks debate at around 3 - 5 in the afternoon. In addition, you can tour the Tibetan religious scripture printing house; inside the monastery, you can see three sand Mandalas and colorful Rock Painting of Buddha.
Stay overnight in Lhasa
Departure from Lhasa
- 西藏旅游进藏函及西藏境内所需其他旅游许可文件,普通快递投递到指定国内收件地址
- 行程所列景点门票
- 旅行中根据人数使用7-29座旅游大巴或商务车
- 到达及离开时,机场/火车站与酒店之前的接送(需在指定时间段内整团一次性接送)
- 经验丰富的藏族英文导游
- 酒店住宿,成都、拉萨两地酒店包含早餐。成都-拉萨途中酒店不含早餐
- 成都段欢迎晚餐1餐
- 全程提供应急用便携式或医疗氧气,急救医疗包
- 旅游保险
- 西藏旅游地图
- U型睡眠枕
- 旅行中根据人数使用7-29座旅游大巴或商务车
- 到达及离开时,机场/火车站与酒店之前的接送(需在指定时间段内整团一次性接送)
- 经验丰富的藏族英文导游
- 酒店住宿,成都、拉萨两地酒店包含早餐。成都-拉萨途中酒店不含早餐
- 成都段欢迎晚餐1餐
- 全程提供应急用便携式或医疗氧气,急救医疗包
- 旅游保险- 西藏旅游地图
- U型睡眠枕
- 中国签证费
- 导游和司机小费
- 单房差
1. 根据外籍游客入境规定,须以组团的形式赴藏旅行,不能自由行,由具备入境资质的旅行社安排旅游接待及代办入藏证,游客前往西藏时需携带有效的护照、入藏函原件、中国签证等,进藏后,需由导游全程带队出行。
2. 旅游者应身体健康,确保自身身体条件能够顺利完成旅游活动,避免因自身疾病在旅途中引起不良后果。请根据自己的身体条件参加适宜的旅游活动,以免发生意外。
3. 游客在全程旅游或自由活动时请注意安全,请尽量避免单独出行;同行人员、导游的手机、房间号以及自己下榻的酒店名称位置 请务必记住。 请妥善保管自己的证件、钱币以及其他等贵重物品,随身不要佩戴贵重首饰或大量现金。不得进入设有警示标志的危险区域,进行游览、拍照 等活动。
4. 住宿提示:西藏地处西部经济落后地区,酒店住宿接待条件有限,请勿与内地及沿海发达地区住宿条件相比。行程所含住宿均为舒适性普通住宿,如对住宿有更高要求,请及时联系专属客服,升级住宿标准(可选挂三星/挂四星/挂五星)。
5. 证件提示:外籍游客在出发时请携带个人有效护照,港澳游客需携带往来大陆回乡证、护照,台湾游客需携带台胞证、身份证、护照。
6. 用餐提示:如您选择的是我社的拼团路线,包含用餐为当地的旅游团餐,价格实惠,可以吃饱,勿以高标准来要求餐点;如您选择的是本店的VIP单独制定产品,用餐的要求和标准请联系专属客服为您另行安排。
7. 天气提示:西藏地区日照强烈,早晚温差较大,宾馆大多没有空调,请做好防晒、防寒保暖准备。青藏高原太阳直射,紫外线非常强烈,对视神经可造成不同程度的损害,要带防辐射的太阳镜和遮阳帽,最好涂抹防晒化妆品,男士也要涂防晒霜。
8. 宗教信息提示:旅游者需遵守西藏自治区政府相关法律法规、文化习俗及宗教禁忌;藏区民风淳朴,藏民性格质朴直爽,不能以城市人的心态标准来衡量,旅游者需尊重藏民生活,尊重当地风俗,请勿公开谈论与藏族有关的政治话题。
9. 银行提示:西藏地区基本只有中行、建行、工行、农行四大银行及邮政储蓄,手机使用全国漫游手机卡,请游客们作好相应准备。
10. 寺庙拍摄提示:西藏寺庙建筑风格独特,遇上节日,藏人衣着更是华丽,色彩缤纷,部分地方注明付款。可拍摄,每张50元或更高价,请勿偷拍,偷拍后果是十分严重。拍摄人物,尤其是妇女,也要小心,藏人未必都喜欢被人拍摄,为避免不必要的麻烦,取景前最好先打招呼。
11. 行程游玩提示:西藏地区多是少数民族居住地区,深受宗教影响有些习惯不能以城市人的心态标准来衡量,不要去计较和指责他们。不要和司机吵架,不要离团观藏人葬礼,偶有不慎,就会触怒当地人,引起不必要的风波;有关藏族的风俗习惯、禁忌等导游会有详细介绍,大家要小心留意、紧记在心敬请尊重当地民风民俗。
12. 限速提示:因西藏线路行车时间较长,为保障安全,拉萨以外的地区路段全程限速,许多时间是在车上,难免不能按时吃饭,请客人带一些零食及饼干,也可带一些西洋参用于提神。
13. 健康提示:有严重呼吸气管、心脏、心血管、糖尿病、精神疾病及感冒患者不宜进藏,请谨慎选择(后附高原反应的详细应对办法)。因藏区经济、医疗等条件有限,且高海拔地区环境复杂,请旅游者自备抗高反、防过敏、消炎、感冒等药品,以备急需。
14. 本线路为散客拼团,在承诺服务内容和标准不变的前提下 ,可能会与其他旅行社的客人合并用车,共同游玩。如您提交订单,则视为接受旅行社拼团后统一安排行程。
15. 本产品行程实际出行中,在不减少景点的前提下,导游、司机可能会根据天气、交通等情况,对您的行程进行适当调整(如调整景点游览顺序等),以确保行程顺利进行。如因不可抗力等因素确实无法执行原行程计划,对于因此而造成的费用变更,我社实行多退少补,敬请配合。
16. 出游过程中,如遇不可抗力因素造成景点未能正常游玩,导游经与客人协商后可根据实际情况取消或更换该景点,或由导游在现场按旅游产品中的门票价退还费用,退费不以景区挂牌价为准,敬请谅解。
行程开始前 违约金(占订单总费用)
3日以上 30%
1—2日 50%
行程开始当日 100%